Friday, January 2, 2009

Pledge for positivism

Posted by Courtney E. Howard

I need to see the glass has half full.
It has not escaped my notice that I have been griping a great deal in my blog entries. As cathartic as this practice might be for me, it strikes me that it might not be as healing or constructive for those who read said rants. I also realized that I seem to have a weekly complaint, although I am certain that if pressed I could come up with a daily one.

Nonetheless, at this time of reflection on the year past, I am moved to make a resolution to find things to celebrate in 2009. I want to start small. If I jump feet first into positivity, my friends, family, and colleagues will have me tested for illegal substances, hold an intervention, or begin the proceedings to have me found unfit. To avoid a drastic about-face, I will slowly permit optimism to seep into my well of pessimism. To this end, I intend to make a concerted effort -- nay, strive -- to say something positive in one blog entry each month. If all goes well and I am not starved for positivistic sentiments (as I, naysayer extraordinaire, predict), I will strive for twice monthly blog postivism. By the way, this calls to mind another of my pet peeves: What’s the deal with "bi-monthly"? I would like us to come to a consensus as to whether "bi-monthly" means twice monthly or once every two months, rather than both. On which side do you fall on this controversial subject? You do have an opinion, don’t you? Good, I was beginning to think I was alone.

We at Military & Aerospace Electronics are starting the new year with a bang: a bang-up, newly redesigned issue with a new format, new look, and fresh, new sections and topics. When you get your issue, drop us a line and let us know what you think.

Happy new year, all! Best wishes for a fantastic 2009.

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